Online courses

Remote online course

Sedimentary architecture of rocks deposited in marine environments: dunes and sequences, channel fills, MTDs and lobes in contexts of compressive tectonics and salt-related allochthonous units

 a virtual experience 

This course includes virtual visits through video material of excellent outcrops.
The instructor will use an extensive compilation of data from deep and shallow water sedimentary systems of the most famous outcrops on the planet, for example: the Maras and Adana Basins (Turkey), San Fernando Canyon (Baja California, México), La Popa Basin (Nuevo León, México), Magallanes Basin (Chile), and Sorbas Basin (Spain). The course essentially relies on unpublished material produced by Channelsgeo, including marine dunes and bars, channel fills, internal and external levees, other overbank deposits, a wide range of mass transport deposits, lobes, mini-basin sequences, and more.

We will show these deposits in sequences that were deformed by fold belts and submarine thrusts as well as salt tectonics. We combine this exceptional material with a selection of seismic, well log and drill rock sample data from several marine basins around the world.


The essentials of the course


The benefits of our courses are partially used to help communities in the field work areas.

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